"shirk meaning in islam”Shirk is the opposite of tauhīd; to commit shirk is to commit the ‎gravest sin in Islam, an act Allah will not forgive. The fundamental reason ‎to send Prophets and Messengers towards humanity was to teach them ‎to believe in the tauhīd of Allah and to forbid them from committing shirk. ‎

Shirk is best translated as polytheism:

Shirk is best translated as polytheism (a mushrik would be a polytheist). ‎Shirk is the belief that there is more than one ilâh (deity); to worship ‎something other than Allah and/or to consider worthy of worship other ‎than Allah , or the inclusion/partnering of others with Allah.

The holy Qur’an, Surah 4, Verse 48

Shirk is ‎also the belief that someone is a son or daughter of Allah, or that anyone ‎is equal to Allah.

SHIRK meaning in ISLAM (polytheism)شرک

Shirk meaning in islam and other religions:

The people of Musa and Isa before the Muslim Ummah ‎‎(community) fell into shirk when certain Jews began believing that the ‎honorable Uzair is the son of God. The same goes for the Christians ‎
who believe that Isa is the son of God. Only the nation of Muslims, ‎the Ummah of Muhammad , does not commit shirk or believe in idol‐‎gods.

The holy Prophet Muhammad was quite confident when he ‎said about his Ummah,

“By Allah, I am not afraid that you will worship ‎others along with Allah after my passing, but I am afraid that you will ‎fight with one another for the worldly things.”

Sahih Bukhari, Volume 2, Book 23, Hadith 428

It is just as important for Muslims who know about tauhīd & shirk meaning in islam, to know ‎and understand the severity of the sin of shirk. It follows that a Muslim loses his/her faith if he/she falsely casts another Muslim as a mushrik. It ‎is no secret that millions of dollars, pounds, riyals etc. are being spent to ‎label righteous Muslims as mushrik, further dividing and undermining the ‎
Muslim Ummah and Islam. The one who does believe that there is no ‎ilâh except Allah cannot and should not be considered a mushirk.

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